Stampede at Pedagattu Jathara; No Casualties Reported

Stampede at Pedagattu Jathara; No Casualties Reported

NEWS CHARIOT : The Pedagattu Jathara, a prominent religious festival in the state, is taking place with much grandeur and excitement. This event, which attracts a large number of devotees from across the region, is known for its vibrant atmosphere and cultural celebrations. However, on Tuesday, a minor stampede occurred, causing brief panic among the crowds.

The incident happened when a municipal garbage truck arrived near the Marrichittu (Mango tree) area, close to the police point. The sight of the truck caused confusion and led to some panic among the devotees. As the truck tried to make its way through the crowd, people began pushing and shoving in an attempt to make way, leading to a brief stampede. The situation escalated quickly as devotees tried to move away from the truck, but their movements caused further jostling among the crowd.

Authorities and event organizers were quick to respond to the situation, managing to control the crowd and prevent any serious harm. Fortunately, despite the chaos, no casualties were reported. The police presence and quick action by the organizers ensured that the situation was diffused without major consequences.

Speaking about the incident, local authorities reassured the public that they had taken adequate safety measures and that there was no significant danger to the participants. While the stampede was a momentary scare, the event continues, with devotees carrying on with the festivities under careful supervision.

In light of this incident, officials have promised to enhance safety protocols for the remainder of the festival, ensuring that the rest of the celebrations are conducted smoothly and without further disruptions. The Pedagattu Jathara remains a significant event for the local community, and authorities are committed to ensuring its safe continuation.

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