Former CIA Officer and scientist Reveals Remote Viewing Evidence of Life on Mars

Former CIA Officer and scientist Reveals Remote Viewing Evidence of Life on Mars
NEWS CHARIOT:-In a groundbreaking statement, a former CIA officer, who once held a prominent role in the organization, has raised the possibility of extraterrestrial life existing on Mars. This claim has stirred up significant interest, as it comes from a man with deep expertise in intelligence and remote viewing. His name is McMonigle, who was famously known as “Riot Viewer Number 1” for his remote viewing abilities during his time in the CIA.
In the 1980s, McMonigle was tasked by the CIA with studying and decoding information about distant locations. In one of his assignments, he reported that he identified humanoid-like beings on a distant planet. These beings, according to McMonigle, were much taller than humans and had taken shelter in a pyramid-like structure following a storm. Initially, the CIA believed this location was on Earth. However, later investigation by NASA determined that the area matched a region on Mars, which led McMonigle to believe that life once existed on Mars.
McMonigle recently shared his views during an interview on the American Alchemy Podcast, elaborating on his belief that life may have existed on Mars in the distant past. He referenced various findings, including data from the European Space Agency’s ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, which had received encoded messages from Mars. These messages, though their origin remains uncertain, sparked further intrigue among scientists.
Additionally, a recent report by China’s Zhurong Rover revealed that Mars contains ancient sand deposits estimated to be 3.6 billion years old. The discovery points to the possibility of a once-existing ocean in the northern plains of Mars, strengthening the argument for past life on the red planet.
Taken together, these findings have led many to speculate that extraterrestrial life, or at least evidence of past life, may have once thrived on Mars, fueling growing interest and debate among scientists and the public alike.
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